INTENT Trial recruits first patient
The Intensive Nutrition Therapy comparEd to usual care iN criTically ill adults - a randomised controlled trial. The Alfred Hospital recruited their first patient today just four months after developed started on this highly customised CTMS.
FEISTY Junior Goes Live
Following the completion of recruitment for FEISTY Adult Pilot in September 2017, the team at Gold Coast University Hospital have now launch FEISTY Junior at sites across Queensland.
SPICE III Study Recruitment Completed
This afternoon, around 2.30pm Melbourne time, SPICE III Study reached its recruitment target of 4000 patients across 67 sites.
ROCKet Trial Recruits first patient at Austin Health
ROCKet Trial officially commenced today with recruitment of the first patient at Austin Health.
FEISTY Pilot finished recruitment
Yesterday the FEISTY Plot Trial reached target recruitment of 100 patients well ahead of target. The first patient was recruited on January 3rd 2017.
NIDA Cardiac in the news
Three Monash University clinicians are making news this week with the initial results from the bidirectional cannula trial:
ATACAS wins ACTA Clinical Trial of the Year Award
ATACAS (Aspirin and Tranexamic Acid for Coronary Artery Surgery) has been awarded the prestigious Clinical Trial of the Year Award at the Clinical Trials 2017 National Tribute and Awards Ceremony in Sydney this month. Federal Minister for Health, Greg...